5 Ways to Stay Productive During the Pandemic

#icanhelp engage digital well-being Oct 20, 2020
5 Ways to Stay Productive During the Pandemic

Raise your hand if your daily routine has gone from Mary Poppins (practically perfect in every way) to Elle Woods after breaking up with Warner. 

Quarantine threw everything out of whack for all of us, but we’ve got a few suggestions to help you get back on track. Here are our top 5 ways to stay productive and motivated in the time of COVID-19.

Make a to-do list.

Start simple and decide on the top three things you want to accomplish for the day. Write them down and include how long you think it will take to complete each task. If they’ll take longer than 30 minutes, break them up with small, 5-minute breaks. If you’re feeling ambitious (or just love lists!) add more activities, but number them according to their importance to prioritize. 

Bonus: add some “gimmes” simple tasks like eating breakfast, making your bed, or taking a walk to help you rack up a few “wins” early-on that can help keep you motivated. Just make sure they’re not the only things on your list!

Get out of bed and get dressed.

While it’s tempting to stay in comfy pajamas and cozy sheets all day, you’ve got to get up and get dressed if you’re serious about getting work done. Studies have shown that working in your bed makes it difficult for your brain to decipher whether you should be working or resting. Working in your pajamas decreases your chances of completing a task on time, and it won’t be your best work. 

Treat your day like you would any regular work or school day, and get dressed in the morning. If you need a little extra motivation, choose an outfit that makes you feel good. Changing out of your pajamas is a simple but powerful signal to your mind that it’s time to start the day and get focused. Bonus points if you make your bed! 

Clean and organize your workspace. 

Messes are distracting. It’s tough to focus on that tricky math problem or write an essay when you’re also wondering when the stack of books on the floor will topple like a Jenga tower. Set yourself up for success by clearing off your desk or dining room table. Throw away your trash, reshelve your books, and pick up anything that’s on the floor. Next, gather everything you’ll need to study and do your homework (books, computer, pencils, paper, class notes, etc.). Finally, sit down, put your phone on do not disturb, and begin workingyou’ll finish in no time!  

Take care of yourself and relax.

It sounds counterintuitive, but relaxation is crucial to your productivity. Check-in with yourself and learn your unique signs of stress, fatigue, and anxiety. When you feel any of these, take a break and take care of yourself. A few of our favorite ideas are: going on a walk, taking a bubble bath, making a cup of tea and reading a book, journaling, listening to music, and drawing.

Boost the good feelings that come from these activities by writing down a few things you’re grateful for. Researchers have found that practicing gratitude can decrease anxiety and depression, sharpen brain function, and improve overall happiness. Some ways to practice gratitude are noticing the beauty of nature, keeping a journal, and watching inspirational videos.

Remember, self-care isn’t selfish—it’s vital for your mental and emotional health. Taking a day to relax will help you stay positive and productive!  

Stay in touch with friends and family.

During the last five months of quarantine and social distancing, I've really been missing my family and friends. I know I'm not alone in my frustration, sadness, and anger. We’re all unsure of how to live our daily lives and feel so many conflicting emotions. But what keeps us going is simple: friends and familyand thank God for Facetime, Zoom, and all the other digital ways we stay connected. 

Stay in-tune with your emotions and reach out when you need support. Whether it’s a simple text or a Facetime call, expressing your feelings to a trusted friend or family member can be a real mood booster! During this time, we can reach out to friends and family and encourage them to stay positive, too. There are so many ways to reconnect, such as online bingo or trivia! Explore the possibilities and have fun!

And lastly, remember to be kind to yourself. Not every day will beor can beproductive, and that's okay! Do the best you can, rest when you need to, and remember that tomorrow is always another day.

Do you have any productivity tips? Share them in the comments! We’ll pick a few of them to share on our social media channels to keep the conversation going.

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