Teach Digital Citizenship, Safety, and Wellness with Digital4Good

Empower your students to be responsible digital citizens with our comprehensive curriculum offerings. Our lessons are designed for educators to easily use in the classroom.

Digital Citizenship
Social Media Literacy

Benefits Of Teaching Digital Safety In Your Classroom:

Improved Academic Performance

Research has shown that students who are taught digital safety skills are more likely to perform better academically.

Development of Responsible Behavior

By teaching students about responsible online behavior and how to engage safely and ethically online, educators can help develop a sense of responsibility in their students that will translate to other areas of their lives.

Increased Digital Literacy

Teaching digital safety also helps to increase students' digital literacy skills, which are becoming increasingly important in today's world.

Building a Positive Digital Footprint

Digital safety education also emphasizes the importance of creating a positive digital footprint. By encouraging students to engage in positive online activities and modeling positive behavior themselves, educators can help their students build a positive online reputation that can benefit them in the future.

Improved Mental Health

Digital safety education can also help to mitigate the negative effects that excessive screen time and social media use can have on students' mental health. By teaching students about healthy and responsible online habits, educators can help promote overall wellness and positive mental health.

Digital Citizenship Curriculum

Our award-winning Digital Citizenship Curriculum teaches students how to engage safely and responsibly online. Through short interactive lessons, students will learn how to respond to online negativity, report inappropriate behavior, and positive, safe ways to engage with social media and digital technology. The curriculum is designed to provide scripted lessons for anyone on a school campus responsible for training students, teachers, and/or staff about cybersecurity, cyberbullying, and the importance of teaching best practices on social media.

Teach Digital Citizenship

Social Media Literacy Curriculum

Our Social Media Literacy Curriculum provides students with the lessons and activities they need to use social media safely and responsibly. By discussing and practicing real-world scenarios in a safe environment, students will learn about the impact social media can have on their lives—now and in the future. The curriculum is designed to teach students how to stay safe, build a personal brand, and create a positive and healthy relationship with social media and digital technology.

Teach Social Media Literacy

39% of teens received some sort of harassment last year on social media

Anxiety, depression, & suicides have increased 37% since smartphones became commonplace

How will Digital4Good help my school?

Our lessons are interactive, engaging, and provide hands-on training for all participants:

  • Keeps the message fresh on each student’s mind when implementing curriculum year-round
  • Addresses current issues by using lessons of specific topics as stand-alone activities
  • Uses interactive presentations with hands-on training
  • Decreases discipline problems
  • Contains relevant material that motivates students in their new age world
  • Allows students to be more aware of what’s happening on and offline and shows them how to handle awkward or tough situations
  • Provides student empowerment and knowledge of how to take care of things on their own instead of requiring administrators to intervene
  • Teaches positive social and emotional skills
  • 39% of teens received some sort of harassment last year on social media
  • Anxiety, depression, & suicides have increased 37% since smartphones became commonplace
  • Meets ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Digital Citizenship Guidelines
  • Empowers students
  • Decreases online drama which then decreases on-campus discipline issues

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