December Students4Good Recap

students4good webinar Jan 03, 2023
December Students4Good Recap

By Anvita Ambardekar

December is a month brimming with joy and compassion. A time when we take a moment to think and reflect on the year. What have we done well? What can we do better next year? We give gifts and presents, spreading kindness to our family and friends. We give back to the community through events such as canned food drives and toy drives. Soon enough, our phones are blowing up with grateful messages and fun holiday posts on social media. Everyone is eager to share their opinions and what is going on during this cheerful time of the year. The food, the decorations, the memories, and their thoughts about trending topics. Moreover, some people use these opportunities to do something extraordinary. In this post, we will look at two examples -  Cami Nelson and Tarini Dayal . Driven by passion and personal experiences, these young women are making a marked difference in the community!


Cami Nelson is a 17-year-old who founded the RecoverED project. This organization was inspired by her own struggles with an eating disorder, and aims to provide support and resources for those going through similar situations. Cami wants to help people get their lives back and not let their disorders control them. She is collaborating with another organization on a recovery art project, which would provide an outlet for self expression through various forms of art including crochet, pottery, and painting. Cami hopes to expand the organization's social media presence, increase the number of board members, and send representatives to talk to schools and athletes about eating disorders, as these groups are often at high risk. She plans to create a recovery app based on the art recovery program. In addition to her work with the RecoverED project, Cami has a podcast about eating disorders and mental health, which has featured guests such as dieticians, athletes, and therapists.


Tarini Dayal is a 14-year-old from India and the founder of HumanityXChange. “HumanityXChange is a platform to emphasize on the impactful social issues that are targeting the young minds of today’s society,” Tarini said. “It is a space of understanding and learning the proper way to tackle such issues and gain a sense of their importance in this world in order to move forward and create an atmosphere of acceptance for the forthcoming generations,” she added. She founded this Instagram page in October of this year to publish her thoughts and ideas regarding social issues and politics. She is currently working alone, but hopes to reach more people and allow volunteers to voice their opinions in the future. Tarini is also in communication with a youth organization about domestic violence. One of the most challenging parts of her project so far has been the fear of not reaching enough people, but she is taking a slow and steady approach, focusing on each day and building her audience slowly.


Both Cami and Tarini are creating positive change in their communities, raising awareness about important issues and providing support and resources for those in need. It's inspiring to see young people using their platforms to make a difference and using digital for good.

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