Support #ICANHELP on AmazonSmile!
Nov 25, 2020
Introducing #ICANHELP on AmazonSmile
Are you looking for ways to give back this Holiday Season? Are you going to stay home and do your Christmas Shopping on Amazon? Do you want to find a way to give back, but can’t donate money? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, you can support #ICANHELP with AmazonSmile! We are excited to share that we are now a featured charitable organization on AmazonSmile!
What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple, quick way for you to support your favorite charitable organization at no cost to you! AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of all of your purchases to support #ICANHELP. Getting started is super-fast and easy. You only have to click our link once to activate it and you’re all done! AmazonSmile will take care of the rest.
How it Works:
- Visit
- Select ‘Start Shopping’
- Shop on Amazon as normal
- Make sure to shop on everytime you shop!
Why should I support #ICANHELP?
- Our mission is to empower students to create digital change and promote digital safety.
- We want to transform how students use social media so that it creates a positive impact.
- We strive to continuously create a positive community and empower student leadership.
Where do the Proceeds Go?
With the help of these donations, we can continue to:
- Create more training programs and mental health curriculum to show students how to use digital for good.
- Continue to celebrate and empower students to take action to use social media positively.
- Create live webinars, workshops, and activities that include mental health and digital wellness, digital citizenship, online safety, and more!
Don’t wait! Get started now with AmazonSmile before you do all your holiday shopping on amazon!
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