Prioritizing Leadership to Becoming Lead Intern - College Sophomore, Mitch, Joins the #ICANHELP Board!

our updates Aug 17, 2021
Welcoming our newest Board Member, Mitch Winterlin, to the #ICANHELP team. A photo of Mitch in an #ICANHELP t-shirt. Photo reads "Welcome to the team, Mitch Winterlin"

We're very excited to announce #ICANHELP's newest Student Rep board member, Mitch Winterlin!


Mitch is a sophomore at the University of Iowa, studying Psychology and Education. As a student, Mitch has advocated for the mental health of students, making him a perfect fit for the #ICANHELP community. Mitch began volunteering with us at the beginning of the pandemic and has shown excellence and passion for the principles and values that #ICANHELP stands for.


When the Executive Director of the Iowa Association of Student Council, Vicki Carstens, heard about #ICANHELP, she was astonished at the similarities between our mission and Mitch's advocacy for mental health. Vicki knew that Mitch would thrive in the #ICANHELP environment and referred him to seek a position with us.


Executive Director of #ICANHELP Kim Karr once said- 


"Mitch was our PR intern last year and he built such a strong relationship with his team that they all returned to work with #ICANHELP this year. He is our nonprofit enthusiast, caring deeply for everyone he encounters and always cracking dad jokes!” 


Mitch's motivating energy is contagious, allowing him to continuously inspire students to maintain a positive attitude. Mitch's passion for disseminating information on student mental health is apparent, and he hopes to use his platform to reach as many students as possible. In addition, Mitch has experience working with his community as the President of the University of Iowa's student council, and he believes servicing and volunteering to help the community are the pillars of leadership. As a board member, he hopes to implement these values and practices. 


Mitch says, "the beauty of being a student leader is you can promote social change and encourage and motivate students." 


Mitch and his fellow student volunteers are leading examples of using their social medias and digital presence positively. Students have the power to motivate other student changemakers, therefore we are excited to have a leader like Mitch on the #ICANHELP board.

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