AI Disruption: Unraveling the Impact on Job Markets

digital citizenship Apr 10, 2024
AI Disruption: Unraveling the Impact on Job Markets

By: Cameron Grodi, Seasonal Public Relations Intern | Digital4Good


Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology have been nothing short of significant. 34% of people expect their jobs to be rendered obsolete by AI in the next 3 years. This has left many apprehensive about AI’s impact on the job market. Will there be any jobs left for humans in the future? How will this affect the economy?


AI and Its Uses

AI is the science and engineering of machines that can mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and utilize the information they collect to improve themselves. 


AI is designed to significantly enhance human capabilities and contributions, making it a valuable asset for businesses — and a convenient tool for households. 


Chances are you already consult Siri, Alexa, or Google Home to check the weather, order food, or play music. Businesses use AI for customer service, marketing campaigns, process automation, and data analysis. 


As AI gains traction, a service named ChatGPT has grown with it. According to ChatGPT itself, “ChatGPT is designed to generate human-like responses in natural language conversations, making it capable of engaging in dialogue with users on a wide range of topics.” 


Using machine learning techniques, ChatGPT has been trained on extensive amounts of text data from the internet, allowing it to comprehend and generate logical responses based on the context of the discussion.


How Will AI Affect the Job Market?

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) estimates that by the mid-2030s, up to 30% of jobs will be automatable. Over time, autonomous vehicles and other machines will take over manual labor jobs, while clerical and administrative roles will be at greater risk of automation during the first and second waves.


By 2030, more than 20 million manufacturing jobs globally could be lost to AI-powered robots. This leaves 8.5% of the global workforce unemployed.


However, the implementation of AI has also led to the creation of new jobs. By 2025, it’s predicted that there will be a job demand of 97 million people in AI-related industries. This includes AI and machine learning specialists, process automation specialists, big data specialists, data scientists and analytics specialists. 


Thriving in an AI-Dominated Job Market

So, what can we do to adapt to these changes and make AI work for us? Here are some tips you can start following today to stay ahead of the technological curve. 


Educate yourself about AI

The sooner you take the time to learn about AI and how it works, the sooner you can use the technology to your advantage. It’s important to routinely study emerging trends in your respective industry so you can stay on top of your game and develop new skills accordingly.


Explore how AI can help you

With AI, the possibilities are endless. AI can help simplify your job and take care of minor, menial tasks. For example, AI can use algorithms to analyze your workloads and increase productivity at work. 


Recognize the benefits of AI

  • AI has many uses in education, healthcare, and transportation.
  • AI aids the healthcare industry by using algorithms to analyze medical images, predict disease progression, and assist in drug discovery. 
  • AI-powered educational tools and platforms are providing personalized learning experiences, adapting to individual student needs, and enhancing teaching methods. 
  • AI is revolutionizing transportation systems through autonomous vehicles, predictive maintenance, and traffic management. Self-driving cars and smart traffic lights powered by AI technologies improve safety, efficiency, and sustainability in transportation.


Participate in AI research

By engaging in AI research, you can contribute to discussions about responsible AI, fairness, privacy, and other essential issues. Contributions to AI research can also lead to the development of new AI applications, tools, or systems that benefit society, improve quality of life, and address real-world challenges.



While AI technologies can enhance productivity, efficiency, and innovation across different industries, they also introduce significant challenges to traditional employment patterns. As AI advances, it will continue to reshape the landscape of work, leading to the automation of simple tasks and the creation of new job roles centered around AI development. In order to embrace and adapt to these changes, it is important that professionals stay informed about AI, its practical uses, and its societal benefits.


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