Inspiring Stories of Community Transformation: March 2024 Students4Good Recap

students4good webinar Mar 29, 2024
March 2024 Students4Good Recap

By: Ashima Nair, Annual Public Relations Specialist | Digital4Good


As spring arrives, three bright individual’s ideas have bloomed into wonderful organizations that impact their communities positively. Mary Xie, Kaylee Marsh, and Jehan Idsassi have extraordinary projects  that not only redefine their communities (and the world) but also inspire a narrative of lasting change. Their stories remind us that the most profound transformations often bloom determination and compassion, illustrating that even seemingly small seeds of passion can create a long-lasting influence.


Her STEM Journey 

Mary Xie , a Junior at Oak Grove High School, is the founder of Her STEM Journey - a platform aimed at providing various resources and inspiring interest in STEM fields. Mary believes that “STEM isn’t separated by gender. It’s about where we are and where we’re going.” 


Her STEM Journey holds interviews, where they get to learn about successful female figures in STEM and their diverse stories. Additionally, their Youtube channel features AMC Math competition and Python problem explanations, easy-to-read notes on Python, and standardized testing tips (for SAT and ACT).


While women are not directly discouraged from pursuing STEM, stereotypes can create a perception that men are more successful in these fields. Her STEM Journey seeks to raise awareness and provide resources globally. Mary advises individuals not to be deterred by stereotypes or external factors, but to pursue their projects with confidence.


Wellness Ambassadors 

Kaylee Marsh, a senior at Northwest High School, is dedicated to challenging the stigma that surrounds mental health in rural communities. In addition to her role as a content creation specialist at Digital4Good + #ICANHELP, she actively participates in the Wellness Ambassadors. This organization, comprised of a group of students and counselors within the Northwest Independent School District (NISD), focused on promoting mental health on campus, and providing resources for students who face mental health related issues.


As part of Wellness Ambassadors, Kaylee and her peers, organize monthly initiatives and peer-to-peer support sessions in order to educate students about current mental health issues including anxiety, depression, and anti-bullying. They ensure that all participating students are certified in Teen Mental Health First Aid, equipping them with the skills needed to respond effectively to mental health crises.


Although still in its early stages, Kaylee envisions expanding the reach of Wellness Ambassadors beyond Northwest High School. She hopes to integrate the program into school curriculums and establish it as a regional resource within Texas, fostering greater awareness and support for mental health initiatives across communities. Kaylee advises to look for like-minded people who share the same passion as you, which allows for you to bounce off ideas and to create an environment you enjoy.


Jehan Idsassi, a senior at Eleanor Roosevelt High School, is passionate about using science and technology to drive global change. Founded in 2020, Jehan is the founder of STEM Up - an organization that advocates for female representation in STEM.


STEM Up has committed to empowering young girls and women in STEM. Jehan is very passionate about advocating for the rights of young girls and women globally as she herself is a minority woman in STEM; thus, she understands the importance of ensuring that females regardless of their background are able to accomplish their dream within education and beyond.


STEM Up’s initiatives contribute to a more inclusive and equitable future, positioning them as a catalyst for change in gender equality, as well as advocacy. In the summer of 2023, STEM Up hosted a virtual summer program where registered participants were able to join and learn more about the history of women in STEM, the importance of diversity in women in STEM, and how young girls can go about beginning their future endeavors in STEM. In the future, Jehan hopes to see STEM Up expand its initiatives to a greater extent, grow through social media, and collaborate with organizations that prioritize the advocacy of female representation in STEM and the rights of young girls and women globally.


These individuals have demonstrated how strong passion and dedication to a cause can result in a significant positive impact, not only within their community but also beyond. Mary, Kaylee, and Jehan have shown us that we can be the catalysts for change in the world.

Here are our top three takeaways from this event: 

  • Never give up—no matter what anyone says, stick with your passion, and you will see the outcome you desire. Don't let stereotypes deter you.
  • Know your audience—understanding your audience helps tailor your initiatives, impact, and vision to appeal to them, enabling the growth of your organization.
  • Have passion—maintaining passion is crucial when starting an organization; it not only attracts like-minded individuals but also fosters an environment you enjoy.



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