LinkedIn Success Workshop for Students - A Recap
Mar 23, 2024By: Hayden Hammerman, Seasonal Public Relations Intern | Digital4Good
The LinkedIn Success Workshop offered students a unique opportunity to elevate their LinkedIn presence and master essential skills like networking and personal branding. In this one-hour session, participants actively implemented changes in their accounts while receiving personalized advice from experts: Heidi Barker, Lead Mentor at Digital4Good; Mandy Brown, Senior Learning Solutions & Instructional Designer at Gartner and Neurodivergent & Trauma-informed Mentor & Career Coach; and Kaitlyn Marsh, Marketing Intern at Digital4Good and Social Media and PR Communications Specialist at the University of Texas at Austin.
Whether you missed the workshop or want a quick refresher, here are each mentor’s key tips!
Key Takeaways
Mandy Brown: Networking Strategies
- Find time to write and schedule your posts on LinkedIn.
- Avoid "post and ghost" behavior; be present to respond to engagement.
- Ensure your posts add value to your community; aim to validate others' experiences and facilitate learning.
- Emphasize the importance of engaging authentically and providing meaningful contributions to your network.
Kaitlyn Marsh: Featured Sections/Portfolio
- Brand yourself effectively to distinguish yourself from others. Your story and unique attributes are vital for connecting with recruiters.
- Utilize portfolios to showcase your work. Make it easily accessible to recruiters, highlighting your skills and accomplishments.
- Add your portfolio to your LinkedIn!
Heidi Barker: Your LinkedIn Spotlight
- Customize your LinkedIn profile URL through "Public Profile & URL" settings to make it more professional and easily shareable.
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