Lock Screen Ideas for Back-to-School
Nov 17, 2020
Monthly Calendar
When the school year picks up again, dates and scheduling become very important. With a monthly calendar as your lockscreen, you’ll have easy access to a preview of the month ahead. Highlighting important dates is a great way to keep track of assignment deadlines.
Weekly Schedule
Until I have my class schedule memorized, I like to make my lock screen my weekly schedule during the first few weeks of classes. Similarly to a monthly calendar, this will help you keep track of important dates and major deadlines. This lock screen can give you a more detailed idea of what your week looks like, helping you manage your time more efficiently.
Your Goals
Something that keeps me motivated is reminding myself of the goals I set, no matter how big or small. You can have a goal as your lock screen by typing them out or creating a collage of pictures. The goal you choose can be long-term, like your dream college or career, or short-term, like participating in class and exercising for 15 minutes today. Having your goal as your lock screen can give you a boost of motivation every time you pick up your phone. The more you’re reminded of your goal, the more you hold yourself accountable for accomplishing it.
Something You Need to Memorize
When I have a speech or presentation coming up, I find it helpful to change my lock screen to the notes I need to memorize. Whether it’s specific phrases or a series of ideas, constantly being exposed to my notes help me memorize them. You can even challenge yourself to practice a portion of your presentation every time you pick up your phone.
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