Prevent Youth Suicide and Spread Positivity: Call to Companies and Individuals to Champion #Digital4Good and Use #TechToConnect with #ICANHELP

#icanhelp lead digital4good Apr 04, 2020


Teen suicides are on the rise at an alarming pace, and even experts are having a hard time detecting why this has happened. Due to this increase, suicide is now the second leading cause of death among young adults. 

Although we may not know the cause, we know how to play a role in forming the solution, and it starts with reaching students where they are -- online. #ICANHELP supports educators in their effort to empower students to use digital tools and resources for good. We have helped around 450,000 youth spread positivity online and delete negativity through assemblies, training, campaigns, and more. 

In addition to assemblies and curriculum, #ICANHELP hosts the annual #Digital4Good Awards, which recognizes youth from across the country who use digital tools to help their peers and surrounding communities. Efforts highlighted during #Digital4Good events have included transportation for veterans to receive medical care, antibullying campaigns, raising money to fight rare diseases, and much more. 

#ICANHELP has recently launched a new online community for educators and several online courses for teachers, administrators, and parents. But we need your help in this fight against negativity and suicide! 


Why Partner and Utilize #TechToConnect? 

We connect with others through tech, which is why we started using the hashtag #TechToConnect. We are using tech to connect with teachers and students to spread positivity and prevent suicide, and we need your help. 

Although our efforts have already had a significant impact on hundreds of thousands of youth, we all have more work to do. We are seeking to partner with companies and mentors for the following purposes: 


  • Sponsorships

  • Host monthly calls with our lead interns to help with their projects 

  • Marketing for #Digital4Good

  • Video editing

  • Graphic design

  • Web design support

  • Grant writing

  • Press release and content creation

#ICANHELP believes that students are not the future; they are the RIGHT NOW. We should be empowering them to do their best work and to change their world. We can accomplish more together. Partner today with #ICANHELP to empower youth to change their world and ours. 

Get started today by contacting #ICANHELP here! 


--Triveni Patel

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