The Power of Gratitude
Feb 15, 2021
The month of February is filled with so much love: celebrating relationships, the blooming of new ones, giving, and all-around sharing the love. But while this time of year is heartwarming for many, it can also be discouraging and lonesome for others. How do we counter feelings of isolation when we see so many others in happy relationships? Here is a word that can change your life: gratitude.
Yes, really, gratitude.
It’s so tempting to compare your life to the glamorous highlight reels you see on social media. You might catch yourself thinking, “Why can’t I look like them?”, “I wish I were as popular,” “I wish, I wish, I wish...”. And soon enough, you deflate your self-esteem and surround yourself with doubts.
It’s so easy to focus on what we don't have and much harder to recognize what we do. It shouldn’t be like this, but society and social media have tricked us into believing we always need more to be satisfied. But what if instead of comparing yourself to others, you think of what you do have that makes you smile, who in your life makes you laugh, what brings you comfort, and count your blessings?
The power of gratitude is incredible. Gratitude improves your ability to form and maintain relationships, fosters a healthier mindset, increases generosity and empathy, and even improves your sleep. The sooner you incorporate gratitude into your life, the sooner you will start to see positive changes in your mental health and overall well-being.
So, how can you incorporate gratitude into your daily life?
Start a Gratitude List
Start your mornings and end your days by listing three things you’re grateful for, such as a family member, pet, song, food, etc. It’s a quick and simple way to recognize the positives in each day.
Compliment Yourself
Noticing things you admire in others is easy, but it can be a lot harder to recognize what makes you unique. Write yourself a little shoutout about something good you’ve done recently, like how you aced your last math test or how you stood up for a friend.
Start a Journal
Another way to practice gratitude for those who seek creative outlets or love to write is to journal. Reflect daily or weekly, depending on your time constraints. Draw and doodle highlights of your day, write down things you’re grateful for and add your favorite colors and pictures that make you smile.
Seek Out Inspiration
You can also add inspiring and self-love quotes in a personal binder, phone case, wallpaper, or mirror to remind yourself that you are unique and worthy of kindness, friendship, and respect.
There are so many ways to adapt gratitude into your daily routines. Remembering to find the good in each day will positively impact your self-esteem and outlook on your life.
In addition to showing gratitude to yourself, share it with others! Recognize someone for the positivity they have brought you by sending them a quick “Thank you for . . .” text. It’s guaranteed to make them smile, and expressing gratitude will make you feel great, too. Ask someone about their day and really listen, tell your friends and family “I appreciate you” and “thank you” often, and remember that positivity radiates.
Before you know it, gratitude will be a habit, helping improve your relationship with yourself and others. So this February, remember to love yourself and the people in your life that you’re grateful for. Treat everyone (yes, that includes yourself!) with kindness and always seek the good in each day.
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