Five Ways To Give on #GivingTuesday
Nov 30, 2020#GivingTuesday is an annual event that takes place globally, the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This is a time to give back to your local community, favorite non-profit or simply spread positivity towards loved ones and around the community.
Last year we were featured in NYC Times Square with our partner Aaron Judge for #GivingTuesday! This year we need YOUR HELP!
Here are some ways to give back and support #ICANHELP:
- Donate
A donation is a quick and easy way to give back and make a lasting impact on our non-profit. Every donation helps us continue to celebrate students who use Digital4Good!
Donations can be made directly to #ICANHELP Here
- AmazonSmile
You can donate while you shop for your holiday gifts when you use AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile will donate .5% of your purchase to an organization of your choosing
Donate to #ICANHELP as you shop by using our AmazonSmile Link
- Merchandise
Grab some some of our NEW #ICANHELP and Digital4Good Swag! The proceeds from our Swag Store allow us to be able to create digital safety + mental health curriculum, continue to host webinars for students, adults and educators.
Check out the Swag Store Here
- Follow us on Social Media
#YOUCANHELP by interacting with a #ICANHELP’s social media and resharing our content to help us expand our reach!
Follow the official #ICANHELP accounts:
- Purchase Curriculum
By purchasing #ICANHELP curriculum you help support students of all ages to learn how to use digital for good. By empowering students to protect themselves, stand up for their peers and become positive digital change makers.
Check out our curriculum Here
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